Since 1989, the Acclaim Awards has been fortunate to have worked with and provided funding and scholarships to many talented artists and to be able to assist them in their opera career development. Some of these artists have included:
MICHELLE-MARIE COOK – 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010,2011
MICHELLE BUSCEMI – 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009
EMILY BURKE – 2008, 2009, 2012
NATHAN LAY – 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017
JUEL RIGGALL – 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017
REBECCA GULINELLO – 2013,2014, 2016, 2017
What some of our Alumni have said about Acclaim and an update on their career
Click the photo to view their Opera Career and view recordings
“There is no doubt that without the Acclaim Awards, I would not be at the level of expertise I am at now. When I received the first of three awards and a study grant from Acclaim, I was a very young artist with the talent to be a professional opera singer, but without the experience, education nor financial means to attain it. Through Acclaim, I received the highest level of education in Europe, full-immersion into the international opera culture and the opportunity to be seen, heard and taught by some of the most influential people in the opera world in Italy and Germany. I am truly grateful!”
“The Acclaim Awards has provided me with incredibly valuable experiences, offering opportunities to sing alongside world class singers on the international stage, which in turn has inspired me to aim for a new level of excellence.”
“What better way to polish your skills than to be supported to study singing in Italy, to be immersed in the language in which so many operas are written, see great performances and take private tuition. This was a once in a life- time professional development opportunity that I was blessed to receive from the Acclaim Awards for which I am incredibly grateful.”
“I thank Acclaim not only for their support in Australia but for giving me the privilege of studying at the Accademia del Teatro Maggio Musicale Fiorentino with the great teaching masters of lyric repertoire which I now perform in Britain and Europe.”
“I was an Acclaim winner and studied at the Teatro Pergolesi-Spontini in Jesi, Italy. This award gave me the opportunity not only to study with world-renowned conductors, teachers and singers, but also gave me the chance to study the language and culture of Italy. This experience strengthened both my performance and vocal skills and will assist me greatly in preparing for upcoming roles with Opera Australia.”
“In 2011 Acclaim enabled me to continue my post-graduate study and to focus on developing my skills for this challenging career. I am very grateful to Acclaim for these wonderful opportunities and for giving me the assistance to underpin my study trips to Italy in January 2014 and again in 2017.”
“My Acclaim funded study trip to Italy was a truly wonderful, all-encompassing learning experience that was enriching, productive and continues to be immensely rewarding. I am humbled to have been the recipient of such an opportunity and am sincerely grateful to the Acclaim Awards for providing me with the means and the possibility to learn from and interact with some of the best professionals in the industry. It has allowed me to develop considerably as an artist and to make substantial gains in my own professional development.”
“The Acclaim Awards is an organization which truly cares about the future of opera in Australia and demonstrates this ethos by supporting young singers develop international careers. Acclaim continues to nurture and foster my career, and I endorse their commitment to promote Australian artists as they have promoted my opera journey.”