
The Acclaim Awards stage major fundraising events each year.

Our events are attended by a diverse group of classical music lovers - from leaders in industry, commerce, government and the arts to those who simply delight in the purity of the operatic art form. Without exception, our guests share a genuine desire to nurture Australia's aspiring artists.

At each of our functions, friends and guests are treated to an exclusive event featuring performances by past and present awardees. The power and beauty of these stunning performances, staged in environments unmatched for their intimacy and ambience, is truly inspiring. They are of immense value for both corporate and personal entertaining.

The next event is the Acclaim Awards Italian Opera Dinner to be held on Saturday 5th October at the Australian Club.  All participants of the Acclaim Awards Italian Masterclass will perform and winners will be announced.  Bookings can be made by going to:

View this short video to watch some highlights of our last Acclaim Italian Opera Dinner